Sand, safety and a breathe of fresh air
COVID-19 protocol designed to offer true, worry-free vacation opportunities in the Turks and Caicos.
If you’re like most people, the need to rest your body and brain can seem intense right now. And while ‘getting away’ has always been a soothing remedy for most, there’s the question of safety, nobody can ignore.
As you well know, we’re opening our island. This meant reviewing how we do things and how to best keep our destination healthy. And we’re happy to say that so far, we’ve done very well.
To greet the abundance of world travellers that are eagerly booked to come back, our local government has announced a safety protocol to ensure we have the safest holiday destination in the Caribbean.
A quality assurance portal called TCI ASSURED is now in place. Please fill out a super simple online health screening questionnaire and perhaps consult the list of accredited labs.
Sounds like a lot? Not really. It’s a simple process and protocol that makes sure everyone flying in will have tested negative. This means you’re travelling safely, without worrying about anyone around you. It also guarantees you won’t be quarantined for 14 days, when you should be enjoying your vacation.
Turks and Caicos prides itself on a reputation that’s built on excellence and distinction. Safety won’t be an exception.
We’ll protect our visitors and our residents so you have a safe, spectacular place to escape to, when things are less sunny in your part of the world.
Purchase COVID-19 Travel Insurance for Turk and Caicos Islands : www.worldnomads.com/usa/
Oh! We did fill out the form ourself and below are the screen captures of the process. It literally takes only 5 minutes.
